Gaming and relationships

Gaming has become a big part of our lives and almost every house hold in the U.S. have some type of electronic gaming device. With this in mind, families are more likely to play together and build a bond. Video games not only are great on family bonding, but as well as friendships. It allows friends to keep In touch over long distances creating this other bond. Gamers are also a lot more social than you think, even though you may encounter a complete idiot but that’s just part of what makes a gamer(Online only). I have experienced with this bonding thing through video games multiple times. With my cousins, every time I go visit we constantly play games whether it be Super Mario party or just plain old Mario kart. I’ve also notice this bond in friendships as well because every-time I visit my cousin, she calls up her friends that soon became my friends by simply playing halo. Video games are starting to help relationships form, so the next time you meet a complete stranger and want to get to know them, ask them if they want to play a video game. They’re more than likely to agree(unless they hate you).

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